Registry for MRT children

Personal Data Protection

In compliance with the Organic Law on Data Protection, we inform you that the personal information you provide us to formalize and performance of the contractual relationship will be incorporated into a file for EMBRYOTOOLS, SL in order to provide the service charge us keep you informed of any matter that may affect the service and to direct you marketing or promotional information that may be of interest.

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing to the EMBRYOTOOLS, S.L., Ref. "Data Protection" to the following address Barcelona, ​​ Av. Doctor Marañón, 8 08028 Barcelona Spain or email address

EMBRYOTOOLS, SL undertakes not to access, view, copy or record, communicate and perform any act that endangers or violates the confidentiality and security of any information related to the professional activity of the customer, including information on another occasion of the contract to provide services.

It also commits to adequately inform employees of the obligation to maintain the strictest secrecy and confidentiality with respect to information to which they have access accidentally during the course of their work.

Also it guarantees that in the event of subcontracting to third parties for the provision of the service, signed with them the corresponding clause prohibiting access and confidentiality of customer information.

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